Friday, March 18, 2011

Brain Scan (mapping) info March 10, 2011

The scans are long and full of numbers and acronoyms.. here's what it breaks down as, in ways we can use and understand:

Most of the scans compare the perecentage difference between right/left brain waves.. the scans show the average range difference, then show Jordan’s difference in percentage and what that translates to for him

Most exciting and special is, The % change between Alpha EO to EC - average is 50%- Jordan's waves are 132% to the right, which translates as Highly creative - they have dubbed this "the artists Signature" Talking with the doctors, they have told me, that once his spinning thoughts, stress tolerance etc is manageable for him, he'll have the ability to access that! He'll be able to be slow enough to fully Create! To fully recognize and use his amazing given abilities! We're very excited!

1. Eo to ec alpha - avg – 30% jordan is 8.7 - this translates to poor retention of information and short term memory

2. Theta amplitude – average is 12-13% - jordan is 20.09 – this translates to hard to focus

3. UT theta/Beta – average – 2.2 – jordan 2.94 – again poor retention/comprehension

4. Alpha peak frequencies – under 9.5 – mental sluggishness (jordan is 9.4 & 8.6 on either side)

5. Theta/SMR – if over 3 (jordan is 3.04 not far from average but we’re starting at 3, so it still significant) inability to sit still, to calm the body, sleep disturbances

6. Theat /Beta EO – average is between 1.8-2.2 – jordan is 1.22 (significantly lower than average) – shows poor stress tolerance, racing thoughts, anxiety, inefficient self-“quieting

7. Theta/Beta (EC) average is under 2.2 – one side is 2.28 (close) other side is 2.56 (significant difference) – deficiencies in retrivival of information, impulse control, emotional volatility

8. Theta/Alpha (EC) average 1.2-1.6 – one side 1.74 / other side 1.69 – problems with organization, sequencing, sustained focus, task completion, staying on task, talkativeness

9. F4/F3 Alpha- should have an average difference of 15% - jordan’s is 27.9 difference – translates to oppositonal, defiant and socially aggressive or socially indifferent behaviour, associated with emotional disregulation

10. F4/ F3 Theta – average difference is 15% Jordan is 24.15% - emotional volatility or restricted emotional range

11. Delta EC – average under 9.- jordan is 11.19 cognitive deficits such as problems with concentration, forgetfulness, comprehension

12. HiBeta/Beta – average is a difference between .45-.55 – Jordan is .69 – it says above .55 – stubbornness/ Obsessive compulsive tendencies OR Obsessive compulsive disorder, preservation in ASD

I’m not sure which part translates, but they also told me that it seems that in Jordan’s brain, when someone/self asks his brain to focus/concentrate – it goes immediately to daydream.. like the wires are crossed between daydream/create & concentrate..
“jordan get to it.. clean your room “ suddenly becomes “ la la la.. Mario…lego… creations…”

We've begun Neurofeedback, this shows his brain how to focus, shows his brain how efficent it can be when it is able to focus. The brain wants to be running optimumlly, so the more it's shown the more it strives to get there on it's own. We have 2 sessions, and I have had 2 instances that I know for sure, he would have had a much harder time (meltdown) in the past. We will complete 15-20 sessions, and see how happy his brain can be.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"They should have Autism too"

On our way to a play today, "Munscha Mia" at Carousel Theatre on Granville Island, we were reading Robert Munsch books on the way.

We read Down the Drain, then began "Stephanies Ponytail'

In Stephanies story - Stephanie wants a ponytail, wears it to school.. everyone calls her ugly (agh!) then the next day they all copy her and wear ponytails. Each day Stephanie does a different type of ponytail.. kids call her ugly.. then they copycat her the next day.

I commented to Jordan..those are the sheeple son, those are the ones that follow what everyone does, without discovering and being what is special in them. It's good to be following your own path, show your creativity, be unique and original...

"They should have Autism too" was his reply!

Later he explained, when asked.. he wishes they could have autism, so they can be creative and be themsevles, not copycats..

Beautiful son, I think your right.. more autism might just make a better world! thanks for sharing your thoughts. you rock!